New ITV Companies from 1968
Central Television – 1982-
Central TV inherited the two colour units from ATV. It then formed 021 to handle its OBs.
HTV – 1968-
LWT – 1968-
A very comprehensive description of the LWT Fleet – written by Phil Nott of the BEGG – is available by clicking the button below:
Thames Television
A very comprehensive description of the Thames TV OB Fleet – written by Phil Nott of the BEGG – is available by clicking the button below:
TSW – 1989-1992
TSW operated a small OB unit based on a Stonefield chassis equipped with Sony 330 cameras
TVS – 1989-1992
The TVS OB was built 1980/81. Construction was very similar to the Ulster vehicle however there was no generator so the internal layout was mirrored to allow full height engineering racks at the rear. This unit was intended to be based at their Maidstone Studios however as the facility was still under construction it was initially used to make programmes at a theatre in Dartford.
Cameras were 4 x Sony BVP-330P complete with CCU-330P and OCP-300 panels
VTRs were a Sony BVH-1100P 1-inch C-format complete with BVT-2000P Timebase Corrector and a drawer mounted Sony BVH-500P portable 1-inch C-format VTR.
Vision Mixer was a Grass Valley 1600-1AP
Sound Desk was a Neve 5315
VDAs were Avitel
Talkback was Drake
Words and Pictures. David Polgaze
YTV – 1968-
YTV recived two camera colour OB units from Marconi in 1967 each equipped with 4 Marconi Mk VII cameras – All Picture of YTV OB units are by Doug Kipling